Anemia is usually treated with red blood cell (RBC) transfusions
People with BT are either:
- Transfusion dependent (TD): rely on transfusions
- Non-transfusion dependent (NTD): only need transfusions at certain times
Are there other treatments for anemia in BT?
Another type of medicine for people with transfusion-dependent BT is an erythroid maturation agent (EMA), which helps RBCs to mature.
Learn more about REBLOZYL, the first and only EMA.
Talking to your doctor about anemia in BT
You know your body better than anyone. To ensure your healthcare team is aware of how you’re doing, talk openly about how you’re feeling. Share how you feel with your healthcare team so, together, you can make decisions that are best for you.
Here are some questions you can use to start the conversation:
How do I know if my current anemia treatment is working as well as it should?
What are my treatment options?
What are the benefits and risks of these treatment options?
Knowing your options and talking with your healthcare team can help you manage anemia.