Logo: REBLOZYL® (luspatercept-aamt)

The first and only medicine of its kind​ in MDS-related anemia

Early treatment for anemia is an important part of managing myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS).


REBLOZYL is for people with lower-risk MDS-related anemia.


Starting with REBLOZYL
as your first medicine

REBLOZYL is a prescription medicine used to treat anemia (low red blood cells) without previous erythropoiesis stimulating agent use (ESA-naïve) in adult patients with very low- to intermediate-risk MDS who may require regular red blood cell (RBC) transfusions.



Switching to REBLOZYL
for your next medicine

REBLOZYL is a prescription medicine used to treat anemia (low RBCs)
in adults with myelodysplastic syndromes with ring sideroblasts (MDS-RS) or myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative neoplasms with ring sideroblasts and thrombocytosis (MDS/MPN-RS-T) who need regular RBC transfusions and have not responded well to or cannot receive an erythropoiesis stimulating agent (ESA).


REBLOZYL is not for use as a substitute for RBC transfusions in people who need immediate treatment for anemia.

It is not known if REBLOZYL is safe or effective in children.

Icon: red blood cells

REBLOZYL is called an erythroid maturation agent (EMA)

An EMA helps immature RBCs (called erythroid cells) develop and become mature, working RBCs. This may result in more healthy RBCs and improved anemia.

How does REBLOZYL work?

Before starting REBLOZYL for MDS-related anemia, it’s important that you learn about how REBLOZYL works. It can also make you feel more confident when talking with your healthcare team.

Watch this short video to see how REBLOZYL works.

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ALT Tag: Teri, a real REBLOZYL patient, and sister Sheri relaxing on the beach with the ocean behind them.

One of the nicest things about REBLOZYL is that I would be able to go
3 weeks between injections.

- Teri, a real REBLOZYL patient

Individual results may vary.

Hear from someone who has managed MDS-related anemia with REBLOZYL.


We have resources for you along every step of your treatment journey

Your REBLOZYL Connection is an educational program designed to help you understand treatment with REBLOZYL and provide resources so you can take a more active role in your care.


Ready to ask about REBLOZYL?

When it comes to your managing your MDS-related anemia, you and your care team are in it together. Keeping open lines of communication can help your doctor determine the right treatment plan for you.

Remember: you and your caregiver(s) are your best advocates, and it all starts with asking the right questions.

Select (+) to find answers for some of the most commonly-asked questions:

REBLOZYL is available either as a first medicine for MDS-related anemia or later in your journey. Your care team will review your medical history to help determine if REBLOZYL could be the right fit for you.

Some specific questions to ask include:

  • How is REBLOZYL different from other treatments?
  • How might REBLOZYL help me reach my treatment goals?

Because everyone's experience is different, communicating openly with your healthcare team is the best way to feel prepared for what's ahead:

While taking REBLOZYL, you can expect to:

  • Visit your doctor's office about every three weeks for your injection
  • Get a blood test to check Hgb levels before treatment
  • Be asked about any recent RBC transfusions

Some specific questions to ask include:

  • How will I receive my REBLOZYL dose? And how often?
  • What are possible side effects with REBLOZYL?
  • What should I track and monitor in between appointments?

After starting REBLOZYL, your doctor may adjust your dosing during visits. Dose adjustments are normal and give your care team the flexibility to make the most of your medicine based on your body's response.

Specific questions to ask about dosing include:

  • What does it mean if my dose needs to go up or down?
  • Could my REBLOZYL dose change over time?
  • What's important to track and share about my REBLOZYL dose?

Talk to your care team about what you should track between appointments. Some examples include:

  • New or changing symptoms
  • Bloodwork results, including hemoglobin (Hgb) levels
  • Transfusion history, including date of last transfusion and how many units received
  • Any questions or concerns that come up between appointments, including details about any new or continuing side effects

Everybody responds differently to medicine, so it's important that you and your care team work together to set the right treatment goals and track them over time. Examples of treatment goals in MDS-related anemia could be to become transfusion independent or to raise hemoglobin levels.

Specific questions to ask about treatment goals include:

  • What should my goal(s) be while on REBLOZYL?
  • Based on how I'm responding to REBLOZYL, is my current dose right for me?
  • Should I be adjusting my goals over time?
Icon: Doctor Discussion Guide

Get the conversation started with our
Doctor Discussion Guide

Download our complete Doctor Discussion Guide for more information about navigating conversations with your care team. The guide also includes worksheets and places to take notes to help you get organized.

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